
When one really talks about wellness of mind, it transcends exercises, meditation and healthy eating. It takes quite a lot of things to achieve a wellness state of true balance and innate bliss. Wellness is multidimensional and can be attained with proper guides; such as love, tenderness and lots of attention. Wellness is not automatic. It is achieved over time. 

Here are six paths that can lead you to the wellness of mind


A supportive community and healthy social life are key to living life to the fullest. Do you feel supported by your family and loved ones? Remember that family can be chosen; it doesn’t have to mean your biological family. 

wellness of mind

Cutting out the people that make you feel poorly about yourself, uninspired, and unsupported, and instead surrounding yourself with loving friends that build you up is paramount to a healthy mind, heart, and body. Find the time to get out and create memories, plans, and experiences with my peers and loved ones.

wellness of mind

Health is wealth, but sometimes a little cash flow helps. Be creative and confident about ways you can grow your bank account to achieve a level of comfort where your basic needs are met above all else. This doesn’t mean you need to strike it rich to be optimally healthy. But feeling financially insecure can cause significant stress. 


Being able to express yourself emotionally and feel vulnerable is an incredible strength—it’s truly a muscle. Do you feel as if you can’t speak your truth, or do you have tension in your body when you feel uneasy? Feelings of tightness in the hips, neck, shoulders, and throat can indicate some emotional blockages or feelings trapped in your body, holding your qi back from your elevated flow.

wellness of mind

Talk to a professional and/or find friends that can support you in expressing what’s on your heart and mind. Allow yourself to fully open up to someone close to you when you’re feeling frustrated, sad, or alone. 

Physical body

Loving your physical bodies makes all the other dimensions of wellness possible, including wellness of mind. Making sure to get enough sleep is where it starts. Those seven to nine hours are vital, so don’t skimp on them whenever possible. Eating high-vibration, living foods that nourish our cells and give us vital energy keeps us in flow.

wellness of mind

Moving our bodies regularly to strengthen and stretch our muscles, ligaments, and bones will ensure that we have the stamina to dive into every other dimension of wellness. Take care of others, but make sure to put your critical needs first. Regularly check in with your physical self, and make sure to take care of any area that feels neglected.

wellness of mind

While our daily job that puts food on the table and pays the bills doesn’t have to be our lifelong purpose, it’s important to find intention in the things that we do. Volunteering, taking care of someone, and being a good friend are all great examples of purposeful work. When we feel that some of our physical and emotional labour is meeting someone else’s needs, we feel empowered and whole.


Finding ways to grow spiritually is a lifelong journey. Enlightenment is not a level to unlock; it’s a constant practice as a human being on Planet Earth. Meditation, calming rituals, and simply doing things you love that don’t necessarily create an end product can be hugely beneficial for nurturing your spirit.

wellness of mind

This can be practising yoga, reading, cooking for yourself, sketching, journaling, breathwork, and so much more. Refuse to allow distractions to steal your attention away from relaxing, enriching, soul-nurturing experiences.

This article was first published on POOSH.

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