
We’re still keeping up with American pop darling, Sariah. This time, Sariah gives us a peek into her world and shares some of the things and people she likes with us – from Kendall Jenner to Leonardo DiCaprio, her number one beauty product, high heels and of course, coffee!

1. Cook in or Eat Out?

Sariah: Eat Out

2. High heels or flats?

S: Heels

3. Slow or fast music?

S: Slow

4. Lace or sequins?

S: Sequins

5. Leonardo DiCaprio or Tom Cruise?

S:  Leonardo

6. Eat or Sleep?

S: Sleep

7. Backstreet Boys or *Nsync?


8. Kendall Jenner or Gigi Hadid?

S: Kendall

9. Football or Basketball?

S: Basketball

10. Christmas Eve: Stay in see a movie or go out for a fun night?

S: Go out 🙂 

11. Number one beauty product you rely on for the holiday period?

S: My lipstick “QUEEN OF HEARTS” by Sariah Queen

12. Coffee or Egg Nog?

S: Coffee

Connect with Sariah on Instagram @sariahmusicnow  and get her Christmas album, Royal Holiday Heart  here

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