The Wedding Party 2 took over Lagos and maybe Nigeria with their “Arabian Nights” themed premiere on the 10th of December and we even chose our best dressed celebs, read it here. Now, the movie hits cinemas nationwide Friday the 15th and as always, Delphine Okobah aka The Delphinator has seen the movie (twice!) just so that you can be better prepared for what to expect.
Watch Delphine’s Review Quickie below, where she dishes on hits and misses from the movie. According to movie forecasts, The Wedding Party 2 is expected to gross an estimated N1b in earnings… Hmm… Will you be hitting the cinemas this weekend to see probably the most anticipated movie of 2017? Be sure to let us know your thoughts about the movie after you see it.
Delphine Okobah is a Multi-layered Media personality. With a background in Architecture, she’s been exposed to various forms of lifestyle, art & human interactions. Delphine is the founder of YouTube channel, “TheDelphinatorTV” where she puts out fun and quirky videos of reviews, previews and what-have-you’s on anything and everything she finds interesting on TV. Connect with Delphine on Instagram