Did you miss the just concluded Africa International Film Festival (AFRIFF)? Not to worry, Delphine Okobah aka The Delphinator has got you covered with some fun highlights from the entire event so there’s no need to have FOMO.
The AFRIFF is an annual film festival founded in 2010 by Chioma Ude and has taken place in Nigeria for the past 7 years, bringing international and local film makers and enthusiasts to one place. Activities for the one week event include film screenings, award shows and film training classes.
Delphine Okobah is a Multi-layered Media personality. With a background in Architecture, she’s been exposed to various forms of lifestyle, art & human interactions. She is the founder of YouTube channel, “TheDelphinatorTV” where she puts out fun and quirky videos of reviews, previews and what-have-you’s on anything and everything she finds interesting on TV. Connect with Delphine on Instagram