
First, nutritionists and medical practitioners tell you that eating healthy is the way forward, that it will help with weight issues, it’ll keep your vital organs and your whole body healthy and in top shape; and then you see a headline like this, and you’re wondering what is going on here? Is there such a thing as overeating healthy foods? Well, sadly yes. There is such a thing as overeating even on the healthier food options. This brings the local saying “too much of everything is bad” into near tangible effect. Now, what healthy foods am I possibly overeating is the question that probably just crossed your mind now, so let’s find out.  

Olive Oil

Olive oil is a weight-loss wonder: An olive-oil-rich diet releases the hormone adiponectin, which breaks down fats in the body, a study in the journal Obesity showed. But exactly how rich are we talking here? The FDA recently suggested that consuming two tablespoons of olive oil a day can reduce the risk of heart disease. One tablespoon of olive oil contains about 120 calories and 13 grams of fat. It’s monounsaturated fat, which is good fat, but it’s fat all the same.

The American Heart Association recommends that 500 to 700 calories of your daily diet come from fat. Since olive oil is basically 100% fat, three tablespoons is about half the upper limit of that allowance. The good news: Three tablespoons is more than enough for cooking a meal or topping a salad. To be safe, use it to replace other fats in your diet.


 Hummus contains a weight-zapping base. Studies have shown that eating legumes like chickpeas four times a week correlates with greater fat loss. But that doesn’t mean you can attack the dip tray like a bowl of naked salad. One serving of hummus is two tablespoons.

Protein Powder

In trying to build fat-burning lean muscle, you could actually be giving yourself a problem, depending on how much and what kind of protein powder you’re reaching for. The optimal amount of protein to consume at one time is about 30 grams, and the average person only needs 0.5 grams to 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight per day, depending on how active you are. The excess can be calorie overload.

Green Juices with Fruit

You probably know by now that fruit juice can be a calorie bomb, because you’re having way too much sugar without any actual belly-filling fiber to compensate. But if you thought green juice was exempt by virtue of its hue, think again. A good guideline is to balance every fruit with two vegetables. Or keep it strictly veggie.


Avocados are one of the tip-top good fats, loaded with fiber and antioxidants that contribute to weight loss. But you’ve still got to keep portion sizes in perspective. Keep in mind that nutritionists consider one serving of avocado to be ⅕ of a whole fruit, which contains 4.5 grams of fat.

Egg Whites

For decades, cholesterol-rich egg yolks were a dietary no-go, and egg-white omelets practically mandatory. Nutritionists stress that consumption of good fats is necessary for weight loss. Egg whites, while full of protein, are nearly fat-free, which can leave you insatiate and reaching for more calories to fill up with. Plus, only the yolks contain choline, an essential nutrient that burns fat. What to do? Just keep your consumption to two yolks daily.

Entreé Protein

We all know that protein is the foundation of eating well: It builds muscle, provides energy and keeps you feeling full. However, protein’s benefits may have been over-publicized at the expense of other components of your plate and your calorie count.

The American Dietetic Association advises that each main serving of protein, be it chicken, salmon, or grass-fed beef should be about 3 ounces, a.k.a. the size of a deck of cards. Some average-sized chicken breasts can actually be two or three servings in one, with way more protein than you can process in one sitting.

Starchy Vegetables like Peas and Corn

Peas may be green, but did you know dietitians consider them in the same class as potatoes? That’s because peas, along with corn, are starchy vegetables higher in carbohydrates and calories than other veggies as research says. One serving contains 15 grams of carbs, or more than a slice of whole-wheat toast. They’re healthy and should by no means be shunned, but it’s a good idea to keep your servings to ½ cup.


Nuts like almonds are referred to as super foods because of their fat-burning amino acids. But they can also be dietary Kryptonite: One cup has 529 calories and an eye-popping 45 grams of fat. A study found that people who ate one-quarter cup of almonds a day lost more weight than those who ate a snack with complex carbs and safflower oil, and lost 62% more BMI and weight after six months, so instead of a whole cup, do a quarter cup instead.

Skim Dairy

If you’re still drinking skim milk or eating reduced-fat or fat-free cheeses and yogurts, it’s time to reconsider; they’re a lose-lose proposition, and neither are the kind of loss we’re going for: A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who eat low-fat dairy products tend to be heavier than those who don’t because it’s less satiating and seems to encourage more carb consumption. Additionally, when dairy is processed to remove fat, it’s skimmed of nutrients as well. So add full-fat or 2% yogurt and cheeses to your diet: 

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