
Personal development is all about creating the growth that you want for yourself. The brain produces chemicals and these  neurochemicals are working within you without your consciousness even realizing. You can probably see this in the people around you more than you can see it in yourself. When you do something that promotes your survival, these chemicals go to work.


  1. Dopamine: Your body produces dopamine when you find things that meet your needs. When you reach a goal or a new level in your life, your body enjoys the “I did it!” feeling in the form of this chemical. This feeling is what motivates you to get what you need, even when it takes a lot of effort. Dopamine is your cheerleader, encouraging you to seek and achieve new rewards. When you reach a new goal, your body is already on to seeking the next thing to create more dopamine.


  1. Oxytocin: Your body produces oxytocin when you feel safe with others and start a bond with them. Oxytocin makes you want to be part of the group and motivates you to trust others. That trust often means safety in companionship. Do you ever do something because you know your family would be proud of you for it, but it doesn’t exactly line up with your values? it’s your body’s natural tendency to want to produce oxytocin.


  1. Serotonin:

Your body produces serotonin when you feel respected by others or have the feeling of pride. Our your primitive brain sees security in social importance. You may feel this in your daily life because we strive to feel special and can’t help but to compare ourselves. When we fight, we want to win to get that hit of serotonin. Being a loser or feeling inferior means a depletion of this chemical.


  1. Endorphins: Your body produces endorphins when your body feels like it needs to protect you from the feeling of pain. Essentially, this chemical masks pain. When your body produces endorphins, it’s motivating you to ignore pain so that you can escape harm. This is also the chemical that is released after extreme exercise. It’s that high you feel after a great workout and is likely one reason why you may go back for more.




  1. Dopamine
  • Celebrate your small wins once per day.
  • Work on your goal for 10-15 minutes per day.


  1. Oxytocin
  • Take very small steps to rebuild trust with someone.
  • Practice being trustworthy by honoring your commitments and following through with your word.
  1. Serotonin
  • Tell someone about something great you did.
  • Notice your influence on others.
  • Learn to feel safe when you’re not in control.
  1. Endorphins
  • Find something to laugh about every day.
  • Vary your exercise routine.






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