Valentine’s Day is here and it brings another opportunity to show love. We often go out of our way to impress others and make them happy. It gives us that good feeling which is great, BUT the question is, when last did you consciously take time out to do something special for yourself?
Statistics show that about 80% of the population of adults in most communities do not engage enough in recommended exercises. Genetically modified foods and water substitutes are becoming more and more popular world over and Nigeria is not an exception. It’s about time, we jacked up on our health consciousness and commit to understanding how important your personal wellbeing and overall health is. You are responsible to yourself for your health and wellbeing.
To this end, Novo Health Africa – a national Health Maintenance Organization providing health care across Nigeria – kicks off her 14 day challenge with the general theme Mastering your Health in 2017. According to the organizers, the challenge will run from the 14th to the 27th of February. For the next 14 days, participants will receive one challenge a day – practical and easy tips that will position you better to achieving your health goals in 2017 and beyond.

In a comment by the MD/CEO of Novo Health Africa, Dr Dorothy Jeff-Nnamani, she said “In the busyness of life, we sometimes forget ourselves. It is important that you are first, your own keeper. This 14 Day Challenge is a call to take your health more seriously because your life is worth it. Enough of the excuses such as “I don’t have time for exercise or I don’t have time to eat right… with the challenge, we will show you how – You don’t want to miss out!”. “We encourage you to take each day’s challenge and practice it as often as possible. We hope that gradually, these tips will develop into habits and guides for your life and the people around you. Life is a precious gift and cannot be lived to the fullest if health is compromised. You are important too.” She further added.
Visit http://www.novohealthafrica.org/signup/ to subscribe to receive a challenge everyday till the 27th of February. Follow the conversation on social media using the hashtag #NHA14DayChallenge and share your challenge journey.