March 2nd, World Teen Mental Wellness Day aims to raise greater awareness of mental health issues among teens, as well as provide education about removing stigmas surrounding preventative mental health. Hollister Co. (clothing retailer) introduced World Teen Mental Wellness Day last year with a pledge to support teen mental health.
According to the American Psychological Association, Gen Z has the worst mental health of any generation. However, teens are dedicated to making a difference.

Teens experience the greatest difficulties surrounding mental health compared to every other generation. Teens have the highest levels of stress, anxiety, and depression, making World Teen Mental Wellness Day awareness paramount.
According to Jack.org, in Canada, suicide is the leading health-related cause of death for young people. 1 in 7 teens report having suicidal thoughts and 150,000 will act on their thoughts this year by attempting suicide.
How To Observe World Teen Mental Wellness Day

Teenagers around the world are encouraged to use March 2nd as an opportunity to practice self-care and silence their self-doubt – whether that’s through exercising, meditating, listening to music and more. Online, teens can demonstrate how they’ll recharge on Instagram and Twitter with the office Hashtag.
In March, for the first 12,000 public posts on Instagram or Twitter with #WorldTeenMentalWellnessDay, $1 will be donated to the Hollister Confidence Project, an initiative dedicated to promoting wellness in teens.

In addition, since challenges with mental wellness are ‘always-on’ for teens, Hollister will launch the Hollister Confidence Project on March 2. The Confidence Project is a year-round, worldwide initiative to raise awareness and funding for projects and organizations that help teens feel confident in themselves, in each other, and in the world in which they live.
Adults can also be of help by bringing awareness to #WorldTeenMentalWellnessDay by sharing positive messages of hope. We have all been teenagers and understand how much of a struggle it can be.

Here are some insightful messages of hope:
You are unique and this world needs YOUR talents!
Never give up! You deserve to chase and accomplish ALL of your dreams!
Even when it is dark and gloomy outside, the sun is still shining. Have hope.
Your generation is the future, we need you and you are destined for greatness!!!