
Besides ending corruption in Nigeria, one of the hardest things to do is dieting, especially if you are a proper foodie; however the weight scale is always there to remind you of your poor eating choices, more so, if you don’t hit the gym regularly. Not to pile on though, there is still no scientific evidence that proves diets work for the long term. Sure, you’ll see fast results if you try some kind of healthy diet, but it won’t last long. Most diets are not sustainable, which is why it’s important to learn healthy eating habits for the long term.

Eating healthy is about balance. It is about eating what you love to eat without guilt, but also learning how to eat intuitively. Moderation is the watch word here. Healthy eating habits can be cultivated with a few changes.

Here are a few healthy eating habits you can incorporate into daily life that will lead you closer to a healthier food lifestyle.
Learn to drink a lot more water

Water wards off dehydration, and it’s also incredibly important for your digestion. Plus, if you’re drinking water throughout the day, you’re less likely to drink other sugary and carbonated drinks like soda and sugary cocktails. However, if you get tired of drinking water, sip on seltzers. Water is good to drink, but it can get boring pretty quickly. Find a few seltzers you love that can change up your usual water-drinking routine. Plus, by choosing flavored seltzer, you can easily replace your sugary sodas and other beverages that are full of empty calories.

Reduce your food portions.

Portioning out your food doesn’t mean restricting your food! It means properly portioning out the right amount of food for each meal. You still eat what you want, just in smaller portions, but ensure it’s a balanced diet. That way, you are not missing out on your daily required food nutrients.

Munch on healthy snacks instead.

If you have a sweet tooth, or just love chewing on something in between meals, instead of turning to salty and fatty junk foods just stock your pantry or fridge with healthier snacks you truly enjoy and chew on those instead. Examples of healthy snacks include fruits, popcorn, peanuts, cashew nuts, kuli-kuli, roasted or boiled corn etc.

Grill and roast, instead of frying.

A lot of the foods we eat require frying, but frying also requires oil which unfortunately adds on a lot of calories to our meals. We don’t want this. Instead of frying then, opt for roasting and grilling. It would get rid of the oil factor considerably.  Foods that can be grilled instead of fried include fish, meats, plantain, potatoes etc.

Up your smoothie game

Making smoothies are a lot easier when you have the supplies on hand! It saves you the stress and frustration of always looking for fresh fruits.  This is what to do; stock up your freezer or refrigerator with some of your favorite fruits, and make your smoothies whenever you feel like eating something in between meals. This works well as a snack, but can even be filling enough for a meal!

Add more veggies to your plate.

Adding lots of veggies to your food plate also helps.  Not only does it fill your plate up quickly, but it also provides a ton of nutrients. Plus, they’re low in calories. Salad greens are easy, but you could also add roasted vegetables like Brussels sprouts, broccoli, green beans, squash, carrots, and more.

Switch from refined carbs to whole grains carbs.

Whole-grain carbohydrates are loaded with dietary fiber, which are some of the best foods you can have for weight loss. Switching your white, refined carbohydrates for whole-grain carbohydrates and complex carbs is a good option and it is a lot easier than you think. Examples include whole-grain pasta, tortillas, wheat bread, crackers, millet, oatmeal etc.

Choose one dessert for the day.

If you absolutely cannot help it, then by all means have a little of your favourite dessert. Just like portioning out your food, plan your dessert for the day and portion it correctly. If you love ice cream, have a scoop of ice cream. If you love dark chocolate, enjoy a serving of it. Doing this will satisfy your sweet cravings and you won’t overdo it on the calories.

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