
Extreme weather conditions are catastrophic for skin hydration. The popular usage of creams and moisturizing lotions works to a limit.  However, for your skin to stay hydrated and retain moisture, there’s a need for more. And by more, we mean, you need to nourish your skin from within, hence these dry skin remedy recommendations.

The skin is one of the largest organs of the human body, its health is very important for the overall protection of our body. Like any other body organ, the skin needs nutrients to stay healthy. Our skin isn’t just a thing of beauty, it performs many important functions. The skin is the primary organ that acts as a shield against mechanical, thermal and physical injuries. It also prevents excessive loss of moisture while preventing the entry of harmful agents into our bodies. 

For dry skin remedy, try out these foods listed below


Proteins are made up of amino acids. When absorbed from our food, these are used as building blocks for the 10,000-odd proteins that our body needs. Each cell and tissue of our body needs protein as a structural element. The skin structure is made up of Collagen and Keratin proteins. Healthy skin needs quality proteins like eggs, soy, milk and yoghurt. 


Eggs provide the best quality proteins and an additional supply of Sulphur and Lutein. Together, they help the skin lock in moisture while preserving its elasticity.


Soy provides the maximum amount of proteins in vegetarian and vegan food chains. In addition, Soy is a rich source of isoflavones which may help in preventing wrinkles by helping preserve collagen. Drink up soy milk or eat some tofu (wara in the Yoruba language or kwa de kwa in the Hausa language).

Yoghurt and Milk

Milk and Yoghurt add quality proteins to your daily diet. Yoghurt is great for a healthy digestive system, which means a clean gut and healthy skin. 

Vitamin A 

The skin is a layered organ, and both the upper and lower layers need Vitamin A to maintain their integrity. Vitamin A may be associated with stopping the breakdown of collagen due to the harmful effects of the sun. It also helps the oil glands in the skin, around the hair follicles. In addition, Vitamin A stimulates the production of fibroblasts, cells that develop tissues keeping the skin supple. Common sources include green vegetables, carrots, and sweet potatoes. 

Green leafy vegetable

In addition to Vitamin A, green leafy vegatables are rich sources of Vitamin C and are known for their high antioxidant level. They are very low in calories, so they can be consumed in abundance without fear of repercussion.


Carrots are one of the best sources of Beta carotene and vitamin A. Both these vitamins scavenge free radicals, helping with an even skin tone and preventing ageing.

Sweet potatoes

Sweet Potato, especially the one with red skin (roasted) is one of the good sources of beta carotene which is converted to Vitamin A in our body. They also contain Vitamin A. Red potatoes helps keep dry, flaky skin at bay.

Healthy Fats

Fat-free diets don’t work for a healthy hydrated skin. Essential fatty acids are a part of the cell membrane and eating adequate healthy fats is important for a healthy skin. Common sources of healthy fats include but are not limited to nuts, seeds, fatty fish, avocado, coconut oil and others. 

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are rich in healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, they also contain phytonutrients that protect us against the detrimental effects of oxidative stress. They are calorie dense, so a handful is enough for a day.


Avocados are one of the best sources of healthy monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats and do also contain small amounts of saturated fats that our body needs. In addition, it contains vitamins that act as antioxidants. Use them as bread spreads or add them to salads.

dry skin remedy
Healthy fat foods. Avocado, Salmon, Nuts, and seeds,

Fatty fish

Fatty fishes are a rich source of omega-3 fats that are not manufactured in our body but are essential nutrients for our cell membranes. It is advisable to eat at least three servings a week.

Coconut oil

Coconut Oil is fantastic for topical application. It contains active compounds that work on reducing inflammation and enhances the skin’s protective layer by helping trap moisture. Avoid eating much coconut oil because it may not be healthy as it is a saturated fat that may lead to other health issues.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is critical as a dry skin remedy because it helps collagen hold its shape. It is also a strong antioxidant for our body, helping neutralize free radicals that play havoc with our skin.

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are the richest source of Vitamin C. They are very low in calories and are good sources of rehydration too. Citrus fruits include oranges, lime, lemons, grapes, tangerines etc 


Tomatoes make a great face pack. When eaten they provide not just Vitamin C, but also Lycopene, an antioxidant which helps keep the skin fresh and protects against ageing. Tomatoes are best eaten pureed and cooked with a little oil. 

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