
So, what really happens to our spots in the sun? Can a dose of sunshine actually be the best acne treatment? Many people say they experience fewer breakouts and spots after being in the sun, is there much medical truth in this?

There is an element of truth within this as the UV light from the sun does have mild antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. However, some people can find that their acne can get worse in the sun, particularly if they are using thick sun creams that block the pores and lead to acne breakouts. It’s important to use a sheer sunscreen if you are prone to acne.                


How exactly might the sun clear up spots and what’s the science behind it?

Certain waves of light can have a positive impact on the skin and significantly help to reduce the effects of acne. For instance, blue light can help to kill p.acne – a bacteria known to exacerbate acne – and red and blue light in combination can reduce excess sebum secreted by your sebaceous glands and in turn help to unclog blocked pores.

However, it is not advisable to seek the sun as a way to effectively treat acne. There are far better methods of treating acne, and excessive sun exposure can lead to premature ageing and increasing the risk of skin cancer. However, controlled treatments with red / blue light can be helpful and provide effective results.

Helpful Tips.

In order to ensure clear skin, it’s important to focus on skincare.

  • Use a mild, non-foaming comedogenic cleanser and choose a moisturizer that is not too thick.
  • Wear a sun protection factor throughout the day but choose one that is sheer or mineral.
  • Try to minimize makeup too and avoid things like thick foundations.
  • To treat acne at home, combine active ingredients into your skincare regimen such as a glycolic cleanser in the morning and a retinol at night.
  • If your acne is bothering you, some “Intense Pulsed Light” offers an effective treatment as do antibiotics or oral treatments such as spironolactone or isotretinoin as prescribed by a consultant dermatologist.
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