“There are absolutely no limits to what you can achieve, especially when you’re equipped with the right tools, the right attitude and the right plan!”

This was the mantra at the Women’s Empowerment Summit 2020, Dublin. At the summit, women excelling in top fields of various industries were present to offer guidance, clarity and focus needed to achieve goals and excel in life and business.
They also shared stories and networked with women of like minds and similar goals!
At a time where women’s voices are rising all over the world, Councilor Yemi Adenuga, the first Black Migrant Councilor or Meath County in Dublin, gave a speech at the event.

During her speech, she shared her story of resilience, patience and the power of cohesion and collaboration in these changing times. All of these things which are now making up for where she is today as an established authority in the Irish ionosphere.
Speaking at the event, she reiterated that “When women empower each other, the community is so much better!”
Councilor Yemi is also the Group Chief Executive Officer (GCEO) of D-Dimensions Communications, which has subsidiaries. She also runs Phoenix Institute of Training and Development (PITD), D-Dymensions Productions, Energy-in-Motion Publishing, DY Relationship Clinic, Nigerian Carnival Ireland (NCI), dMotive TV (Online Channel) and N-Motion Ensemble.
The Women’s Empowerment Summit 2020, also featured break-out sessions, a panel session that was streamed online on Instagram. At the end of the summit, several women were left impacted and empowered to be agents of change in all the areas of their lives.
What a great way to start the year 2020 !
Power to all women killing it out there.