
Renowned production outfit, Dott Bass Media has launched a powerful anti-rape campaign video. The video which is a CSR project by the production house, touched on rape culture, victim blaming and rape apologists.

“This is just one in a series of videos showing the different narratives about rape” said Dotun Seweje, Creative Head at Dott Bass Media. “We intend to tell the rape story from several dimensions as part of our corporate responsibility to society and thought, why not use a medium that we are very familiar with? hence the story telling using video” he added.

More than 30% of women admit their first sexual experience was rape. Over 700 cases of rape were reported between January and May 2020 alone. 5 out of 10 of these cases are close relations of the victims and most of these are never reported.

In Nigeria, it is not uncommon for rape to go unreported. Some victims and their families fearing stigmatisation, police extortion and a lack of trust in the judicial process, choose not to report cases to the authorities. There have also been instances where those brave enough to report are targeted with derogatory comments online, offline and even at the police station.

“They are either vilified for their dressing, being at the wrong place at the wrong time or accused of making up claims of rape,” said Ms Ebe a social worker and charity owner who cares for sexual abuse victim, in an interview with BBC. She says victims often find brick walls at the hospitals, police stations and courts where they are supposed to get justice.

“The penalty for rape in Nigeria is up to 14 years in prison, but I have seen a judge sentence someone to just four years, with two years suspended, because he was young and had a life in front of him,” she further added.

Glazia is proud to partner with Dott Bass Media as they launch this very important campaign to create awareness about the rape culture in our society whilst standing in solidarity with rape victims everywhere.

You should join in too!

Production – Dott Bass Media @dottbassofficial

Voice – Rachael Mordi @mzmordi

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