Cinnamon is a spice obtained from the inner bark of several tree species from the genus Cinnamomum. Cinnamon is used mainly as an aromatic condiment and flavoring additive in a wide variety of cuisines, sweet and savory dishes, breakfast cereals, snack foods, tea and traditional foods. The aroma and flavor of cinnamon is derived from its essential oil and principal component, cinnamaldehyde, as well as numerous other constituents, including eugenol.
Since ages, cinnamon is known for its medicinal properties. Modern science has revealed many benefits of cinnamon for our skin, hair and health and you will get to know about them here in this article. There was a time when cinnamon used to be considered more valuable than gold. Time has changed, but still now cinnamon is highly praised for its beneficial properties for human health and beauty. According to researches, out of 26 most popular medicinal spices and herbs, cinnamon ranks number 1, thanks to its high level of anti-oxidants. Also, it has anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and immunity-boosting benefits. To know more, take a look below and find out the amazing Benefits of Cinnamon for Skin, Hair and Health.

According to Lori Kenyon Farley, a Certified Nutrition Consultant specializing in wellness, fitness and anti-aging. Cinnamon can help manage this disease in two different ways. “It can reduce blood pressure and have a positive effect on blood markers for those with Type 2 diabetes,” she explains. Cinnamon can also reduce insulin resistance, which, Farley explains, “has been shown to lower fasting blood sugar levels by up to 29%, which can reduce the instance of Type 2 diabetes.” Cinnamon’s other super powers include;
Anti-Acne Benefits of Cinnamon
This is the major beauty benefits of cinnamon. Cinnamon comes with anti-microbial, anti-septic, anti-fungal as well as anti-oxidant properties, which help significantly in acne treatment. Cinnamon also helps in controlling oil production on the face, which prevents breakouts to a great extent. Moreover, cinnamon, when used topically, exfoliates the skin, removes the dead skin cells and help in drying out the acne. Cinnamon also has the ability to boost blood circulation in the skin and make the skin cells healthy.

How to use cinnamon for acne treatment?
- In a bowl, take a tbsp cinnamon powder, two tbsp organic honey and few drops of lemon juice. Mix together everything to make a smooth paste. Apply on cleansed face and allow it to sit for 15-20 minutes. Wash it off with fresh water. Repeat once or twice in a week.
- Alternatively, make a face mask by combining one tbsp cinnamon powder, two tbsp nutmeg powder and required amount of raw organic honey. Apply the resultant mixture on the face and wait for 10 minutes. Wash off and repeat twice in a week.
Anti-Aging Benefits of Cinnamon
Cinnamon has anti-aging benefits for skin. It is capable of boosting collagen production without any side effects. Degradation of collagen in our skin is the main factor that makes the skin lose its elasticity and accelerates the signs of aging. Cinnamon helps to prevent this by increasing the collagen level up in the skin. Studies have proved that the main ingredient of cinnamon, which is ‘cinnamaldehyde’, is responsible to increase collagen level. Furthermore, the antioxidant benefits of cinnamon destroy the free radicals and protect our skin from several damages including premature aging. Cinnamon has the ability to stimulate blood vessels and increase blood circulation in your face, which results in healthy, glowing skin.

How to use cinnamon for anti-aging?
- Mix together two tbsp olive oil and few drops of cinnamon oil. Apply the mixture on the face and massage gently. Wait for 10 minutes and then wash off. Repeat daily. You can replace cinnamon oil with cinnamon powder.
- Alternatively, here is an anti aging face mask using cinnamon. In a bowl, take a tbsp each of cinnamon powder and turmeric powder. Add 3 tbsp tomato puree and mix all the ingredients. Apply the paste on the face and neck and let it stay on the skin for 15-20 minutes. Wash off and repeat 2-3 times in a week.
Provides Deep Nourishment For Hair
Cinnamon has the power to provide deep nourishment to the scalp and hair follicles. The extract of cinnamon as well as ground cinnamon has great exfoliating benefits, which thoroughly cleanses the scalp and remove all the traces of debris or buildup. Thus, it keeps the scalp healthy and unclog hair follicles. Cinnamon can boost blood circulation in the scalp, which in turn, can provide deep nourishment to the hair follicles.

How to use cinnamon to nourish the scalp?
- Whisk two-three eggs in a bowl (depending on your hair length and thickness). In another container, take two tbsp cinnamon powder, some yogurt and half mashed avocado.
- Mix these ingredients together and then, add the whisked eggs. Finally, combine everything nicely to prepare the DIY Hair mask.
- Section your hair in small parts and apply the mask all over the hair from roots to the tips.
- Massage the scalp for 3-4 minutes and then, leave the mask on for another 30-40 minutes. Use a mild shampoo to wash off and repeat next week.
Stimulates Hair Growth
Cinnamon has the ability to boost blood circulation in the scalp. As a result, more amount of blood with oxygen and nutrients can reach the hair follicles, nourish and rejuvenate them, which lead to better and healthier hair growth. Moreover, the anti-oxidant properties of cinnamon keep away the free radicals and prevent any damage for hair and scalp.

How to use cinnamon for hair growth?
- Whisk one egg in a bowl. In a separate container, take a tsp of cinnamon powder, a tsp honey and a tbsp olive oil or coconut oil. Mix together and then add the whisked egg there. Finally mix all the ingredients and apply the hair mask all over the hair and scalp. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes and wash off with a mild shampoo. Repeat once in a week.
- Alternatively, take two tbsp cinnamon powder in a bowl and add enough castor oil to make it a paste. Also add 8-10 drops of rosemary essential oil there. Give it a final mix and apply it all over the scalp and hair. Massage the scalp for 3-5 minutes and then leave it on for another 30-40 minutes. Rinse off with a mild shampoo. Reapply once or twice in a week.
Cinnamon may help manage metabolic disease.

It’s perhaps no surprise that if cinnamon has possible beneficial effects on type 2 diabetes, it would also be helpful in the management of metabolic disease. One 2016 literature review found that cinnamon could be effective in reducing complications, morbidity, and mortality in metabolic syndrome, including reducing blood pressure, plasma glucose, obesity, and dyslipidemia. But while these possible results of consuming cinnamon are certainly promising, more well-designed subject trials are necessary before true conclusions can be drawn.
Cinnamon can also be used as an appetite suppressant to those with a sugar addiction, thanks to its naturally sweet taste.