
Pretty much everyone could benefit from therapy but not everyone can afford it. Thankfully, there’s a whole world of free or affordable mental health care out there designed to help you with just about every issue.

Depression, schizophrenia, suicidal feelings—too often, these experiences stay private. There are individuals who’ve struggled with and survived mental illness. They sometimes share their stories, when given a chance, in hopes that others don’t feel so alone.

Whether your issue is kicking an addiction, managing your emotions, or recovering from trauma, there is affordable help available. Even better? Some of these resources are available whenever you need them.

We’ve rounded up 7 of the very best Ted – Talk resources for your mental health. Keep this list handy for whenever you need support.

The Power Of Vulnerability By Brene Brown

In this power TedX speech, she talks about shame and guilt. She also talked about vulnerability in the way that makes you want to embrace all these things as part of life occurrences and deal with them head on. In her presentation, she never makes you feel guilty from feeling these emotions and she made the conversation a comfortable one. For one, she wasn’t afraid to to laugh at herself , which makes her relatable and “Human”. Why you should listen? She’s real and knows what she’s talking about.

There’s No Shame in Taking Care Of Your Mental Health By Sangu Delle

This short yet insightful video features Sangu Delle who talks about how he felt like he should always be strong. He talked about how he always felt like he needed to deal with his problems instead of admitting he struggled with mental health. He discusses what he went through during this process, and how he managed to make it through to the other side. This will be a good watch especially if you are going through an emotional time in your life.

How to Start A Conversation on Suicide By Jeremy Forbes

As the name implies, this video hits the uncomfortable things we don’t want to talk about, like suicide. Jeremy will take you on a journey of activities and experience that led to his own suicidal thoughts. This situations often stems from depression and if you are in a similar head-space, this video will be very instrumental part of a re-think.

Don’t Suffer From Your Depression in Silence By Nikki Webber

This video is for everyone and anyone who is currently struggling with depression. It is relatable and a quick watch, which is great. Even if you don’t have a lot of energy or motivation right now for any other resource, this will give you succour in less than 10 mins. All you have to do is give Nikki Webber a chance to calm you and motivate you to be better.

How to Stay Calm When You Know You’ll Be Stressed By Daniel Levitin

If you have been feeling particularly stressed lately, Check this Ted Talk out. Daniel Levitin on this topic, shares a story of when he was incredibly stressed out with work which eventually affected other aspects of his life. This video is great because it teaches you how to stay calm when you’re stressed. It also illustrates that bad things can happen to anyone as no one is perfect and its okay to hit bumps in the journey of life.

“We all are going to fail now and then,” he says. “The idea is to think ahead to what those failures might be.” – Daniel Levitin

It is both the stress management and control resource you might need this week.

What is Depression By Helen M. Farrell

Depression is the leading cause of disability in the world; in the United States, close to ten percent of adults struggle with the disease. Because it is a mental illness, it can be a lot harder to understand than, say, something like high cholesterol. Helen M. Farrell accurately describes what depression is like as she examines the symptoms, causes (which could be nothing at all) and treatments of depression.

This is a good video to show someone who might not fully understand what you are going through. Helen didn’t fail to give a few tips on how to get proper help and how you might help a friend who is suffering.

The Voices Of in My Head By Eleanor Longden

Eleanor Longden in this video talks about how things on the outside don’t exactly represent what’s going on on the inside. If you ever feel afraid to tell people about your mental health, definitely give this video a watc.

To all appearances, Eleanor Longden was just like every other student, heading to college full of promises and without a care in the world. That was until the voices in her head started talking. Initially innocuous, these internal narrators became increasingly antagonistic and dictatorial, turning her life into a living nightmare. Diagnosed with schizophrenia, hospitalized, drugged, Longden was discarded by a system that didn’t know how to help her.

Longden tells the moving tale of her years-long journey back to mental health, and makes the case that it was through learning to listen to her voices that she was able to survive.

We hope these resources are a great help in learning to embrace whatever it is you are going through , so you can start to heal.

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