A big Belly – sounds cute and looks cute on small chubby kids and cats. But on grownups, this brings on nothing but inexplicable mental anguish and not so insignificant social embarrassment. It does not matter the size of the bulge – a bulge is a bulge, big or small.
Most of the time the best course of action is a ‘tummy tuck-ins’ or what we call “Waist trainer”. The latter action will require some will power and long term planning. The tummy tuck-ins or waist trainers are great and all but it can be difficult to cope with especially when you have to wear for a long time. A person has to breathe!
Want to hide your belly and still look fabulous? Then read on! This article has plenty of ideas and tips on how to stylishly cover up a tummy.
1. Lingerie And Undergarments—Getting It Right

Wearing the right intimates is a given, but some of us need to pay more attention to a few things than others normally would. It is important that you choose a good bra; that is not loose or sagging, but makes you uptight while giving the right definition. Also, consider high-rise underwears—these helps you a great deal. We need to get this one right.
2. Shapewear—To Your Rescue

You should try shapewears if you have not already. They are like your rescue rangers when you need to wear some outfits. Its work is to basically tucks the unflattering flab and creates the illusion to achieve a fit. These soft, comfortable and tight-fitting undergarments come in a lot of variants, taking full control of your tummy area. You can easily get away with those body hugging dresses that were forever part of your wish list. It makes a lot of difference, especially if you make smart fashion choices. I assure you that you’re going to love it.
3. Dress Smart—Knowing The Tricks Of The Trade

Gone are the days when being loud and gaudy was hip. Dressing up classy and carrying it off well is the new mantra. However, you first need to get your basics right. You have to understand your problem areas and your strengths when it comes to your body. Wear dresses that steer the attention away from your tummy; it could be just a flowy design or pattern that does it for you. It’s also worth mentioning that it’s best to stay away from body-hugging clothes, unless you’re sure of pulling off a bulgy stomach. Choose what you want to make the center of attraction and dress accordingly.
5. Colors, Patterns, And Fabrics—Know It All

Fabrics make a lot of difference; As every color and pattern look differently with different styles. If you are serious about hiding your tummy, then I suggest you go for dark colors, flowy fabrics, and vertical patterns. This is a fail-proof method that generally doesn’t go wrong. Horizontal patterns give it a broad look, thus vertical patterns for obvious reasons.
6. Body Posture—Matters!

A lot of the time, we don’t pay much attention to our posture, but it’s time we all do. Being unaware of your ergonomics while sitting or standing will eventually add up to a lot of other things. Poor posture is proven to sag and loosen the abdomen muscles further and blowing up the bulge, more than what it is already. Good body posture isn’t just for wearing great clothes, working on your posture is a healthy practice even for health purposese. Make a conscious effort to give it some time; you will see the change for yourself. Remember, a slouchy posture is only going to make it worse.
We hope this helps improve your fashion!