7 Things You Didn’t Know About Vitamins



Vitamins can be a tricky category to wrap one’s head around. “Is it okay to take a vitamin without any food?” “Is it really bad I’m not taking fish oil.

Not to worry, all that is about to be in past. After reading this post, you will be an expert in vitaminism (is that a word?)

Here are 7 things you didn’t know about vitamins:

1. An orange a day could keep sailor’s scurvy away: Scurvyis a historical disease common in sailors on long voyages who were deprived of citrus fruit and vegetables. It is caused by severe and chronic deficiency of vitamin C. Daily consumption of an orange can provide sufficient amount of vitamin C and keep you far from scurvy.

2. Do not combine daily vitamin E and fish oil: Fish oil can be a great for reduction of belly fat, but both vitamin E and fish oil are blood thinners and can make you bruise or bleed more easily. And if you take a daily aspirin, it does the same thing. It is advisable to definitely check with your doctor before combining any of these.

3. Don’t take your vitamins on an empty stomach: Taking vitamins on an empty stomach can cause nausea because sometimes your body excretes more acidic digestive juices than needed, just to break down the supplement by itself which can irritate the stomach’s lining. If there isn’t any other food to slow down and buffer the digestive juices, the result can be an upset stomach.
Vitamins and all there is to know
Vitamin supplements
4. Increase your vitamin intake after diarrhea: If you’ve had several days of watery diarrhea, you will excrete more vitamins from the body than usual. It’s a good idea to take a vitamin supplement until you are feeling better.
5. Vitamin C is critical for tissue repair:

Vitamin C is essential in repair of tissue and healing of wounds. Anyone who has had a significant injury or surgery should take extra vitamin C until the skin heals. Consult with your doctor to determine the best dosage for you and also eat foods rich in vitamin C.

6. Vitamin K is a critical factor in blood clotting:

Vitamin K is a vitamin found in leafy green vegetables, broccoli, and brussels sprouts. vitamin K plays a major role in blood clotting. So it is used to reverse the effects of “blood thinning” medications when too much is given.

7. Vitamin B6 may help you sleep: Vitamin B6 is used to make tryptophan and also regulates how much serotonin our brain produces. Serotonin is usually a good thing, it makes us happy but it can also make us feel excited and restless. Too much serotonin will cause lower levels of sleep and cause you to wake up frequently. Example of Foods rich in B6 include chickpeas and salmon.

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