
We invite you to participate in the 4th edition of Africa Communications Week, a global platform for communication professionals dedicated to Africa’s transformation. This year’s edition kicks off on 25 May 2020 – Africa Day and will run for the entire week as a series of virtual sessions. Therefor ending on the 29th of May 2020.  

Rethinking Africa’s transformation agenda from this unique perspective has been our mantra and we’re excited to bring together communication experts, policy makers, opinion leaders and partners to explore this year’s theme:

Lead from the front: communicating in unprecedented times

Africa Communications week

The actions taken today will have a lasting impact on our ability to manage the post-COVID-19 era and co-write the stories that underlie the transformation of the continent. There is therefore great urgency to coordinate our communication efforts to save lives and manage this new normal.

Now is the time for strategic communication.

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