
It’s customary for the US to celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November. This one would be one to remember as it rather fortuitously comes two weeks after a highly divisive election. A nation in dire need of unity following a very polarized process seeks to seize on the occasion of thanksgiving to mend fences.

This is because even nuclear families were on opposing sides of the divide, sometimes culminating in vicious banter and hurtful exchanges. Close to 50 million people will be traveling this year just to be with loved ones. It would be hard to imagine politics not popping up at the Thanksgiving table but if it must, here are ten tips from yours truly.

  1. Focus on the turkey! Thanks but no thanks. Don’t gloat about winning neither whine about losing – just eat!
  1. Grab em’ by the wings! If you’re going to be “grabbing”, please let it be the turkey wings not anyone’s body parts.
  1. “I am with her”. Husbands, don’t use this phrase at any time except you are referring to your wife and your marital vows of course – till death both do you part!
  1. Don’t build walls! The elections are over but your relationships with family members should continue. Family goals always.
  1. “Deplorables”. Don’t say I didn’t warn you! Using this word could immediately start a food fight – “bigly”.
  1. “Crooked cutlery”. If you aren’t comfortable with your fork and knife or don’t “trust” its efficiency, please quietly ask for another one.
  1. Love trumps hate. The dinner table is not the place to show your ‘red’ eye or ‘blue’ eye. Be on the side of love. Love always wins!
  1. Husbands please don’t be “corrupt” when sharing the turkey. Possess the right “temperament” and don’t be a chicken either so your family members don’t “lock you up!”
  1. Stronger together. The whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. Have a family-first policy. Run an “all-inclusive” leadership – and that includes your dog.
  1. Make Thanksgiving Great Again! Go out of your way to make this year’s holiday superb for your family. Pleasant surprises don’t hurt anybody. It would be “YUGE”

mfonobongMfonobong Inyang is an inspirational speaker, creative writer, youth enthusiast, resource person and nation builder. He is passionate about human capacity development especially in Nigeria and seeks to be part of the solution. Connect with Mfon on Twitter, @inspiredMI_


  1. I like it , that comment about grab them by the wings was too funny. send this to donald trump