Once upon a time, the world as we know it was going about her business, suddenly, a virus came and destroyed it all. Businesses were shut down, schools closed, religious gatherings shut down, your favourite bar and restaurant closed.
Now people are forced to stay indoors till further notice. People are sad, angry, in despair because their world has been turned upside down by a raging pandemic that has claimed the lives of thousands of people and crippled economies of countries around the world.
Following the lockdown, couples who weren’t together when the lock down was initiated have been forced into a temporary long distance relationship even from as ‘far’ as two buildings away. They’ve resorted to spending their time on video calls and texts to keep up with each other and support one another.
The cutest part is that most of them have found a way to still have date nights and hangouts while apart. The efforts and innovation that this has caused amongst is making us teary eyed!

Now, we know that being home has made most of you a couch potato stuck in your Pjs all day, but for date night. Its a crime to go to date night in your Pjs in Glazia’s Constitution section 1 subsection x. Incase you are clueless on how to look for virtual date with your bae, here are some looks to try;