“Sunkanmi Ojulari, popularly known as “Sunky O,” celebrated his birthday in style with the unveiling of “Nightlife in Lasgidi,” an 8-episode documentary series that explores the vibrant Lagos nightlife. The star-studded event was held at The Library, Victoria Island, and was attended by notable personalities, renowned celebrities, and nightlife enthusiasts.
Sunky O – Nightlife in Lasgidi
Sunky O is the CEO/founder of Sunky O Lifestyle Company. The company was launched in Lagos, Nigeria in July 2021 and is known for its lifestyle events and experiences.
Attendees were treated to a special episode and the documentary trailer, which features exclusive interviews, electrifying music, and glimpses of iconic nightlife experiences. Sunky O shared his journey of curating the documentary and expressed his deep love for the city and its culture in a heartfelt speech that emphasized the awesomeness of Lagos’ after-dark space.”
“Other notable personalities at the event included Bukky George Taylor, Pretty Mike, Caramel, Hilda Baci, Dremo Drizzy, Moet Abebe, Latasha Ngwube, DjTgarbs, Kanaga Jnr, Abby Charles, Idia Aisien, Damilola Olufowobi, Nowe Segun-Ojo, Taymesan, Uti Nwanchukwu, and Yemi Cregx.
“NightLife in Lasgidi” will be available to the public through various distribution channels that will allow a wider audience to experience the magic of Lagos nightlife. The event was supported by The Library, Mazimi restaurant, Villa Antinori wines,Vivir Tequila, and Nigerian Breweries.
For media inquiries or interview requests or further information about “NightLife in Lasgidi,” please contact:
Blanche Aigle PR