It is Easter Sunday, a celebration in the Christian faith that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the tomb, on the third day after his crucifixion. Easter follows a period of fasting called Lent, in which some churches set aside time for repentance and remembrance. The fasting is usually for a 40-day period.
However, it has not always been this. Before the coming of Christianity, Easter signified a pagan festival that celebrated the arrival of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. Since pre-historic times, people have celebrated the equinoxes and have solstices as sacred times.

It is safe to say that Easter this year will definitely be different from what it has been for many years now, and this is because Easter arrived in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. A situation that left many of us quarantined to our homes, and ruining the pre-existing rituals we had around this time, like going to church for services or masses, strolling to the parks or gardens to celebrate, or visiting friends and family. That notwithstanding, maybe we can find new traditions for our families this Easter.
Leveraging Technology

There is no replacement for the physical face-to-face connection we crave as human beings. However, at a time when social distancing is the new rule, it still does not separate us totally from social interaction. This is made possible through the multiple outlets of technology available to many of us in this modern society. Connecting screen-to-screen is an outlet for social survival until the quarantine has been lifted
Maintaining a Positive Attitude

It is very easy to despair in times like these, but holding unto our faith is paramount. Regardless of your faith or believe systems, faith is faith, and it is in trying moments such as these that are beliefs and confessions are put to the test. We should not fail.
It is imperative that in day such as today, where the reality of our predicaments really hit home, that we hold out hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel. For Christians and Non-Christians alike, survival is a human thing. We need to put our best foot forward, and avoid activities that have the potential to further complicate the situation we’re already in.

As written in a previous article on “Boosting Your Spirituality – Study and Meditate For 30-minutes”. We should use this time to connect to the supernatural, build a stronger, more resilient mind, and broaden our spiritual horizons. These are ways we’ll be able to outlast the present state of things.
Stay safe

Observe social distancing, stay at home, stay safe, wash your hands and sanitize as recommended and have yourself a fantastic Easter celebration.