Dyslexic Thinking: Richard Branson in Collaborations with LinkedIn 



Dyslexia is a learning disorder characterized by difficulty reading. Usually, it occurs from childhood among intelligent children. Dyslexia is self-diagnosable but many children and even adults are misunderstood and treated like outcasts. It was therefore great news when Richard Branson, famous entrepreneur and author collaborated with LinkedIn to; advocate for the addition of dyslexic thinking as a skill on the professional networking and career development platform. 

Branson, who is a dyslexic himself, had troubles like every other dyslexic person, in reading and adapting as a child. In fact, till date, his employees read out some things to him for proper understanding. 

Branson however believes dyslexia is not a disorder; but a skill that those affected by it should hone and admit proudly. Also, he says dyslexics are compensated with many strengths and extraordinary qualities so they should focus on those instead. 

Dyslexic thinking

“I’m proud to be a dyslexic thinker – excited that from today you can join me in adding “Dyslexic Thinking” as a skill to your LinkedIn profile. Dictionary.com will also be adding this as an official term,” he tweeted some days ago. 

In a video created by his company, Virgin, Branson says, “My dyslexic thinking has helped me see solutions, where others see, I think, problems. It has helped me dream big. Dyslexic thinking is something you should shout about. If you’re dyslexic, join me in adding it to your LinkedIn profile today. Share your pride in being made by dyslexia.”

Due to the collaboration, LinkedIn has added “dyslexic thinking” as one of the skills on the platform.

As a result, dyslexic celebrities and top professionals have come out to admit proudly to being made by dyslexic thinking. 

Dr Maggie Aderin, a space scientist says, “my Dyslexia helps me take complex ideas, simplify them and convert them to stories and helps me bring science to life.”

Education editor at Totler magazine, Tori Cadogan, says, “my Dyslexia has helped me strip away unnecessary details, to create clear and concise messages for my readers.

“Dyslexia helps me think a lot more simply,” says Nick Jones, founder of Soho House.

Omari McQueen, UK award winning chef says his Dyslexic thinking helps him imagine and create his vegan recipes and makes “me passionate to show others how to cook.”

Article written by Sola Tales

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