The first installment of the Coming to America story began in 1988, and almost 33 years later, the world receives a sequel, where the African Monarch Akeem learns that he has a long lost son in the United Sates and must return to America to meet his unexpected heir and build a relationship with him.
Given the over 3 decades wait for a sequel, ‘Coming 2 America’ has become one of the biggest movie raves in recent months, and it is finally here. On Friday night, Filmhouse Cinemas Lagos, organized a premiere for the movie with the theme – “African Royalty,” and let’s just say that the fashion at this event is one of the most flamboyant in the history of movie premieres anywhere! Nigerian celebrities who graced the event came adorned in their best depiction of African royalty, and we’re still lapping it all up.
From the regal, to the majestic, to the grandiose and more, we present you the top 10 best dressed women and men from the Nigerian premiere of Coming 2 America. Grab a glass, and enjoy!
Women’s Category
Men’s Category
Photo Credit: Instagram