
Today is celebrated across the world as National wine day, and what better way to celebrate it than not only to drink wine but to also discuss its possible health benefits. It would be well to note that these benefits of course can only occur when it is taken in moderation.

Reports in the year 2000 confirmed the belief that wine — in moderation, of course — reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attacks. In the September issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine, Swedish researchers at the Karolinska Institute reported that, compared to teetotalers, light drinkers who consumed wine cut their risk of dying prematurely by almost one third, and wine drinkers as a group had significantly lower mortality from cardiovascular disease and cancer. Actually, drinking any kind of alcoholic beverage helped, the scientists found. But by far the biggest benefit accrued to wine drinkers.

Red wine is abundant in certain polyphenols including resveratrol, anthocyanins, catechins, and tannins (proanthocyanidins and ellagitannins). Resveratrol in particular is found not just in red wine, but also in foods such as grapes, peanuts, chocolate, and certain berries. Research suggests that the phenolic compounds in red wine exhibit antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Not only does the research suggest that red wine consumption can reduce insulin resistance, but it can also decrease oxidative stress. In summary, it combats inflammation. 

People growing always have the fear of losing all their precious memories. Some believe it is inevitable; however, there are hundreds of ways that one can prevent it. One of these methods is by drinking wine.

Dementia is a chronic or persistent disorder of the mental process that is gradually taking place during old age. Studies show that wine consumption can reduce the risk of having dementia which often leads to Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease is a developing mental deterioration that can occur as one aged.

Again, resveratrol found in wines helps in keeping blood vessels open, so that the essential supply of oxygen and glucose can move freely to the brain to keep it alive and working at high efficiency to retain memories.

 Depression has been a common but serious disorder for some people because it can affect how you feel, think and handle everyday activities. This may sound contradictory, as most people know that alcohol consumption can worsen one’s depression or anxiety.

In spite of that, drinking a glass of wine per week can turn into a depression-fighting depressant. A seven-year study conducted by PREDIMED analyzed 5,500 individuals of light to moderate drinkers and found that individuals who drank two to seven glasses of wine in a week were less prone to depression than non-drinkers.

Again, this is about drinking in moderation because on the same study those who drank heavy alcoholic beverages were more prone to depression.

Recent studies have even suggested that red wine may promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, which may improve metabolic syndrome markers in people with obesity. The anti-bacterial nature of red wines has enabled it to treat stomach irritation and other digestive disorders. Wine consumption has also proven to reduce the risk of infection from Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium usually found in the stomach.

So as we celebrate national wine day today, put your feet up and enjoy a glass of Red knowing how healthy it is for you. Cheers!

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