“Faced with crisis, the man of character falls back on himself. He imposes his own stamp of action, takes responsibility for it, makes it his own.” –Charles de Gaulle
Today’s challenge is about stepping back and taking a breath, from everything. The bad news, statistics, “what ifs”, Anxiety, pressure, etc. Are you ready?
Inhale… Exhale…
Stop whatever you are doing. Stay in one spot. Make sure you’re in a comfortable position either standing, sitting or lying down. Now slowly take a deep breath for five seconds, keyword- slowly. Now exhale slowly as well. Don’t rush. Be deliberate about the slow breaths. As you breath, tune out all the distractions around you, close your eyes if you must. Focus your mind, thoughts and energy to each breath you take slowly. Feel the air rushing through your nostrils to your esophagus filling the air bags in your lungs. Notice how your diaphragm enlarges and your heart begins to beat mildly.
Take Deep Breaths for a Minute
How do you feel?
You have just succeeded in regulating your heart rate and pressure, relaxing your nerves, released endorphins to calm yourself and created a state of mindfulness controlling your emotions and living in the moment. During crisis, “Take Deep Breaths” has been one most frequent soothing words health experts use to reassure their patients and put them in a state of tranquil. It connects you to a state of being especially when coupled with meditation.
Are you having a bad day? Are you anxious? Nervous? Angry? Overwhelmed? Stressed? Depressed? Confused? Petrified? In pain?
Take. Deep. Breaths.
It is almost the last day of the 14days challenge! Do let us know how this experience has been for you so far in the comments or on social media via @glaziang using the hashtag #GlazingHealth
About the Glazing Health Challenge
Glazia is thrilled to bring you the Glazing Health challenge! Starting from the 6th of April, the 14-Day Glazing Health Challenge has been designed to keep your spirit, body and mind in optimal form. Are you ready to be transformed? Click Here to join and receive our daily letters