Remember how thrilling it is to say ‘thank God it’s Friday’, but the excitement fades when Monday comes? And if you are not a part of the “work from home geng”, this means you have to wake up early from bed, worry about outfits for work, what to have for lunch at work, or dinner when you get back home after a long day, how to deal with traffic and a myriad of other things you have to worry about.
All of these are inevitable, however, there are some tips that would help lighten the mental and physical ‘burdens’ of the new work week. Check out these simple tips below.
Draft a weekly to-do list

Use Sunday to think about what you have to do in the new week. Don’t worry about prioritizing, just write. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with everything you need to do, this will give you a clear vision and prepare you for what’s to come. After you do that, you can start prioritizing and taking notes in your planner.
Make use of your planner

After you write your to-do list, grab your planner and write down your schedule, appointments, meetings and other things. Whether manual or digital, a planner is important. This will make you feel more prepared to handle what’s to come. Aside from scheduling things you “have” to do, don’t forget to make room for fun things or even self-care activities, as well.
Prepare your meals ahead of time.

Trying to figure out what to have for dinner when you get home after work can be very exhausting. Remember you’re already exhausted from having a long day at work or dealing with traffic, so how do you avoid this? Simple; use your weekend to plan for the new week’s meals and ensure you have all the ingredients you need available, to avoid being disappointed halfway through. In fact, you can fully cook, or half cook all your meals for the week and just keep them refrigerated, so when you get back home from work, you just microwave or heat up your dinner.
Plan your outfits ahead of time.

This is not only a habit to keep for Sundays but every day of the week. Planning what you’re going to wear in the upcoming week or just for the next day will save you a lot of time and worries in the morning. And not just planning it in your head. Get them out, iron them and lay them out properly. Arrange your outfits from your underwear to your accessories.
Free up your Sunday

Endeavour not to schedule too many appointments on Sunday. Keep your Sunday as free as humanly possible so you can conserve your energy for the new week. You wouldn’t want to be exhausted first thing Monday morning. If you must be busy on Sunday, it should be for self care and pampering.
Go to bed early.

Try not to stay up too late on Sunday night, so you can get sufficient sleep before you jet out of bed on Monday. This will always ensure you keep your energy levels high for the week’s demands. Turn off your electronics and unwind with a good book or some very good and soothing music. Reading before bed has been proven to be super relaxing.